As companies grow in size and complexity, there comes a moment in time when teams realize the need to standardize portions of their codebase. This most often becomes the impetus for creating a common set of processes, guidelines, and systems, as well as a standard set of reusable UI elements. Shopify’s Polaris design system was born from such a need. It includes design and content guidelines along with a rich set of React components for the UI that Shopify developers use to build the Shopify admin, and that third-party app developers can use to create apps on the Shopify App Store.
Working with Polaris
Shopify puts a great deal of effort into Polaris and it’s used quite extensively within the Shopify ecosystem, by both internal and external developers, to build UIs with a consistent look and feel. Polaris includes a set of React components used to implement functionality such as lists, tables, cards, avatars, and more.
Form… Forms… Everywhere
Polaris includes 16 separate components that not only encompass the form element itself, but also the standard set of form inputs such as checkbox, color or date picker, radio button, and text field to name just a few. Here are a few examples of basic form design in Shopify admin related to creating a Product or Collection.

Additional forms you’ll encounter in the Shopify admin also include creating an Order or Gift Card.

From these form examples, we see a clear UI design implemented using reusable Polaris components.
What We’re Building
In this tutorial, we’ll build a basic form for adding a product that includes Title and Description fields, a Save button, and a top navigation that allows the user to return to the previous page.

Although our initial objective is to create the basic form design, this tutorial is also meant as an introduction to React, so we’ll also add the additional logic such as state, events, and event handlers to emulate a fully functional React form. If you’re new to React then this tutorial is a great introduction into many of the fundamental underlying concepts of this library.
Starter CodeSandbox
As this tutorial is a step by step guide, providing all the code snippets along the way, we highly encourage you to fork this Starter CodeSandbox and code along with us. “Knowledge” is in the understanding but the “Knowing” is only gained in its application.
If you hit any roadblocks along the way, or just prefer to jump right into the solution code, here’s the Solution CodeSandbox.
Initial Code Examination
The codebase we’re working with is a basic create-react-app. We’ll use the PolarisForm component to build our basic form using Polaris components and then add standard React state logic. The starter code also imports the @shopify/polaris library which can be seen in the dependencies section.

One other thing to note about our component structure is that the component folders contain both an index.js file and a ComponentName.js file. This is a common pattern visible throughout the Polaris component library, such as the Avatar component in the example below.

Let’s first open the PolarisForm component. We can see that it’s a bare bones component that outputs some initial text just so that we know everything is working as expected.
Choosing Components
Choosing our Polaris components will seem intuitive but, at times, also requires a deeper understanding of the Polaris library which the tutorial is meant to introduce along the way. Here’s a list of the components we’ll include in our design:
The actual form |
To apply a bit of styling between the fields |
The text inputs for our form |
To provide the back arrow navigation and Save button |
To apply a bit of styling around the form |
Reviewing the Polaris Documentation
When working with any new library, it’s always best to examine the documentation or as developers like to say, RTFM. With that in mind we’ll review the Polaris documentation along the way, but for now let’s start with the Form component.
The short description of the Form component describes it as “a wrapper component that handles the submissions of forms.” Also, in order to make it easier to start working with Polaris, each component provides best practices, related components, and several use case examples along with a corresponding CodeSandbox. The docs provide explanations for all the additional props that can be passed to the component.
Adding Our Form
It’s time to dive in and build out the form based on our design. The first thing we need to do is import the components we’ll be working with into the PolarisForm.js file.
import { Form, FormLayout, TextField, Page, Card } from "@shopify/polaris";
Now let’s render the Form and TextField components. I’ve also gone ahead and included the following TextField props: label, type, and multiline.
So it seems our very first introduction into our Polaris journey is the following error message:
No i18n was provided. Your application must be wrapped in an <AppProvider> component. See for implementation instructions.
Although the message also provides a link to the AppProvider component, I’d suggest we take a few minutes to read the Get Started section of the documentation. We see there’s a working example of rendering a Button component that’s clearly wrapped in an AppProvider.
And if we take a look at the docs for the AppProvider component it states it's “a required component that enables sharing global settings throughout the hierarchy of your application.”
As we’ll see later, Polaris creates several layers of shared context which are used to manage distinct portions of the global state. One important feature of the Shopify admin is that it supports up to 20 languages. The AppProvider is responsible for sharing those translations to all child components across the app.
We can move past this error by importing the AppProvider and replacing the existing React Fragment (<>) in our App component.
The MissingAppProviderError should now be a thing of the past and the form renders as follows:

Examining HTML Elements
One freedom developers allow themselves when developing code is to be curious. In this case, my curiosity drives me towards viewing what the HTML elements actually look like in developer tools once rendered.
Some questions that come to mind are: “how are they being rendered” and “do they include any additional information that isn’t visible in the component.” With that in mind, let’s take a look at the HTML structure in developer tools and see for ourselves.

At first glance it’s clear that Polaris is prefixed to all class and ID names. There are a few more elements to the HTML hierarchy as some of the elements are collapsed, but please feel free to pursue your own curiosity and continue to dig a bit deeper into the code.
Working With React Developer Tools
Another interesting place to look as we satisfy our curiosity is the Components tab in Dev Tools. If you don’t see it then take a minute to install the React Developer Tools Chrome Extension. I’ve highlighted the Form component so we can focus our attention there first and see all the component hierarchy of our form. Once again, we’ll see there’s more being rendered than what we imported and rendered into our component.

We also can see that at the very top of the hierarchy, just below App, is the AppProvider component. Being able to see the entire component hierarchy provides some context into how many nested levels of context are being rendered.
Context is a much deeper topic in React and is meant to allow child components to consume data directly instead of prop drilling.
Form Layout Component
Now that we’ve allowed ourselves the freedom to be curious, let’s refocus ourselves on implementing the form. One thing we might have noticed in the initial layout of the elements is that there’s no space between the Title input field and the Description label. This can be easily fixed by wrapping both TextField components in a FormLayout component.
If we take a look at the documentation, we see that the FormLayout component is “used to arrange fields within a form using standard spacing and that by default it stacks fields vertically but also supports horizontal groups of fields.”
Since spacing is what we needed in our design, let’s include the component.
Once the UI updates, we see that it now includes the additional space needed to meet our design specs.

With our input fields in place, let’s now move onto adding the back arrow navigation and the Save button to the top of our form design.
The Page Component
This is where Polaris steps outside the bounds of being intuitive and requires that we do a little digging into the documentation, or better yet the HTML. Since we know that we’re rebuilding the Add Product form, then perhaps we take a moment to once again explore our curiosity and take a look at the actual Form component in Shopify admin in the Chrome Dev Tools.

If we highlight the back arrow in HTML it highlights several class names prefixed with Polaris-Page. It looks like we’ve found a reference to the component we need, so now it’s off to the documentation to see what we can find.
Located under the Structure category in the documentation, there’s a component called Page. The short description for the Page component states that it’s “used to build the outer-wrapper of a page, including the page title and associated actions.” The assumption is that title is used for the Add Product text and the associated action includes the Save button.
Let’s give the rest of the documentation a closer look to see what props implement that functionality. Taking a look at the working example, we can correlate it with the following props:
breadcrumbs |
Adds the back arrow navigation |
title |
Adds the title to the right of the navigation |
primaryActions |
Adds the button which will include a event listener |
With props in hand, let’s add the Page component along with its props and set their values accordingly.

The Card Component
We're getting so close to completing the UI design, but based on a side by side comparison, it still needs a bit of white space around the form elements. Of course we could opt to add our own custom CSS, but Polaris provides us a component that achieves the same results.

If we take a look at the Shopify admin Add Products form in Dev Tools, we see a reference to the Card component, and it appears to be using padding (green outline in the image below) to create the space.

Let’s also take a look at the documentation to see what the Card component brings to the table. The short description for the Card component states that it is “used to group similar concepts and tasks together to make Shopify easier for merchants to scan, read and get things done.” Although it makes no mention of creating space either via padding or margin, if we look at the example provided, we see that it contains a prop called sectioned and the docs state the prop it used to “auto wrap content in a section.” Feel free to toggle the True/False buttons to confirm this does indeed create the spacing we’re looking for.
Let’s add the Card component and include the sectioned prop.
It seems our form has finally taken shape and our UI design is complete.

Add the Logic
Although our form is nice to look at, it doesn’t do very much at this point. Typing into the fields doesn’t capture any input and clicking the Save button does nothing. The only feature that appears to function is clicking on the back button.
If you’re new to React then this section introduces some of the fundamental elements of React such as state, events, and event handlers.
In React, the Forms can be configured as Controlled or Uncontrolled. If you google either concept you’ll find many articles that describe the differences and use cases for either approach. In our example we will configure the form as a Controlled form. What that means is that we’ll capture every keystroke and re-render the input in its current state.
Adding State and Handler Functions
Since we will be capturing every keystroke in two separate input fields we’ll opt to instantiate two instances of state. The first thing we need to do is import the useState Hook.
import { useState } from "react";
Now we can instantiate two unique instances of state called title and description. Instantiating state requires that we create both a state value and a setState function. React is very particular about state and requires that any updates to the state value use the setState function.
With our state instantiated, let’s create our event handler functions that manages all updates to the state. Handler functions aren’t required, however, they represent a React best practice in that developers expect a handler function as part of the convention and many times additional logic needs to take place before state is updated.
Since we have two state values to update, we create two separate handler functions for each one, but being that we’re also implementing a form, we also need an event handler to manage when the form is submitted.
Adding Events
We’re almost there. Now that state and our event handler functions are in place, it’s time to add the events and assign them the corresponding functions. The two events that we add are: onChange and onSubmit.
Let’s start with adding the onChange event to both of the TextField components. Not only will we need to add the event, but also, being that we are implementing a Controlled form, need to include the value prop and assign the value to its corresponding state value.
Take a moment to confirm that the form is capturing input by typing into the fields. If it works then we’re good to go.
The last event we’ll add is the onSubmit event. Our logic dictates that the form would only be submitted once the user clicks on the Save button, so that’s where we’ll add the event logic.
If we take a look at the documentation for the Page component we see that it includes an onAction prop. Although the documentation doesn’t go any further than providing an example we assume that’s the prop we use to trigger the onSubmit function.
Of course let’s confirm that everything is now tied together by clicking on the Save button. If everything worked we should see the following console log output:
SyntheticBaseEvent {_reactName: "onClick", _targetInst: null, type: "click", nativeEvent: PointerEvent, target: HTMLSpanElement...}
Clearing the Form
The very last step in our form submission process is to clear the form fields so that the merchant has a clean slate if they choose to add another product.
This tutorial was meant to introduce you to Polaris React components available in Shopify’s Polaris Design System. The library provides a robust set of components that have been meticulously designed by our UX teams and implemented by our Development teams. The Polaris github library is open source, so feel free to look around or set up the local development environment (which uses Storybook).
Joe Keohan is an RnD Technical Facilitator responsible for onboarding our new hire engineering developers. He has been teaching and educating for the past 10 years and is passionate about all things tech. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn and extend your network or to discuss engineering opportunities at Shopify! When he isn’t leading sessions, you’ll find Joe jogging, surfing, coding and spending quality time with his family.
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