On average in 2019, Shopify handled billions of dollars of transactions per week. Therefore, it’s important to ensure new features are thoroughly tested before shipping them to our merchants. A vital part of the software quality process at Shopify is a practise called tophatting. Tophatting is manually testing your coworker’s changes and making sure everything is working properly before approving their pull request (PR).
Earlier this year, we announced that React Native is the future of mobile development in the company. However, the workflow for tophatting a React Native app was quite tedious and time consuming. The reviewer had to
- save their current work
- switch their development environment to the feature branch
- rebuild the app and load the new changes
- verify the changes inside the app.
To provide a more convenient and painless experience, we built a tool enabling React Native developers to quickly load their peer’s work within seconds. I’ll explain how the tool works in detail.
React Native Tophatting vs Native Tophatting
About two years ago, the Mobile Tooling team developed a tool for tophatting native apps. The tool works by storing the app’s build artifacts in cloud storage, mobile developers can download the app and launch it in an emulator or a simulator on demand. However, the tool’s performance can be improved when there are only React Native code changes because we don’t need to rebuild and re-download the entire app. One major difference between React Native and native apps is that React Native apps produce an additional build artifact, the JavaScript bundle. If a developer only changes the React Native code and not native code, then the only build artifact needed to load the changes is the new JavaScript bundle. We leveraged this fact and developed a tool to store any newly built JavaScript bundles, so React Native apps can fetch any bundle and load the changes almost instantly.
Storing the JavaScript Bundle
The main idea behind the tool is to store the JavaScript bundle of any new builds in our cloud storage, so developers can simply download the artifact instead of building it on demand when tophatting.
New PR on React Native project triggers a CI pipeline in Shopify Build
When a developer opens a new PR on GitHub or pushes a new commit in a React Native project, it triggers a CI pipeline in Shopify Build, our internal continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform then performs the following steps:
- The pipeline first builds the app’s JavaScript bundle.
- The pipeline compresses the bundle along with any assets that the app uses.
- The pipeline makes an API call to a backend service that writes the bundle’s metadata to a SQL database. The metadata includes information such as the app ID, the commit’s Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) checksum, and the branch name.
- The backend service generates a unique bundle ID and a signed URL for uploading to cloud storage.
- The pipeline uploads the bundle to cloud storage using the signed URL.
- The pipeline makes an API call to the backend service to leave a comment on the PR.
QR code that developers can scan on their mobile device
The PR comment records that the bundle upload is successful and gives developers three options to download the bundle, which include
- A QR code that developers can scan on their mobile device, which opens the app on their device and downloads the bundle.
- A bundle ID that developers can use to download the bundle without exiting the app using the Tophat screen. This is useful when developers are using a simulator/emulator.
- A link that developers can use to download the bundle directly from a GitHub notification email. This allows developers to tophat without opening the PR on their computer.
Loading the JavaScript Bundle
Once the CI pipeline uploads the JavaScript bundle to cloud storage, developers need a way to easily download the bundle and load the changes in their app. We built a React Native component library providing a user interface (called the Tophat screen) for developers to load the changes.
The Tophat Component Library
The component library registers the Tophat screen as a separate component and a URL listener that handles specific deep link events. All developers need to do is to inject the component into the root level of their application.
The library also includes an action that shows the Tophat screen on demand. Developers open the Tophat screen to see the current bundle version or to reset the current bundle. In the example below, we use the action to construct a “Show Tophat” button, which opens the Tophat screen on press.
The Tophat Screen
The Tophat screen looks like a modal or an overlay in the app, but it’s separate from the app’s component tree, so it introduces a non-intrusive UI for React Native apps.

Here’s an example of using the tool to load a different commit in our Local Delivery app.
The Typical Tophat Workflow
Typical React Native tophat workflow
The typical workflow using the Tophat library looks like:
- The developer scans the QR code or clicks the link in the GitHub PR comment that resolves to an URL in the format “{appId}://tophat_bundle/{bundle_id}”.
- The URL opens the app on the developer’s device and triggers a deep link event.
- The component library captures the event and parses the URL for the app ID and bundle ID.
- If the app ID in the URL matches the current app, then the library makes an API call to the backend service requesting a signed download URL and metadata for the corresponding JavaScript bundle.
- The Tophat screen displays the bundle’s metadata and asks the developer to confirm whether or not this is the bundle they wish to download.
- Upon confirmation, the library downloads the JavaScript bundle from cloud storage and saves the bundle’s metadata using local storage. Then it decompresses the bundle and restarts the app.
- When the app is restarting, it detects the new JavaScript bundle and starts the app using that bundle instead.
- Once the developer verifies the changes, they can reset the bundle in the Tophat screen.
Managing Bundles Using a Backend Service
In the native tophatting project, we didn’t use a backend service. However, we decided to use a backend service to handle most of the business logic in this tool. This creates additional maintenance and infrastructure cost to the project, but we believe its proven advantages outweigh its costs. There are two main reasons why we chose to use a backend service:
- It abstracts away authentication and implementation details with third-party services.
- It provides a scalable solution of storing metadata that enables better UI capabilities.
Abstracting Implementation Details
The tool requires the use of Google Cloud’s and GitHub’s SDKs, which means the client needs to have an authentication token for each of these services. If a backend service didn’t exist, then each app and its respective CI pipeline would need to configure their own tokens. The CI pipeline and the component library would also need to have consistent storage path formats. This introduces extra complexity and adds additional steps in the tool’s installation process.
The backend service abstracts away the interaction with third party services such as authentication, uploading assets, and creating Github comments. The service also generates each bundle’s storage path, eliminating the issue of having inconsistent paths across different components.
Storing Metadata
Each JavaScript bundle has important metadata that developers need to quickly retrieve along with the bundle. A solution used by the native tophatting project is to store the metadata in the filename of the build artifact. We could leverage the same technique to store the metadata in the JavaScript Bundle’s storage path. However, this isn’t scalable if we wish to include additional metadata. For example, if we want to add the author of the commit to the bundle’s metadata, it would introduce a change in the storage path format, which requires changes in every app’s CI pipeline and the component library.
By using a backend service, we store more detailed metadata in a SQL database and decouple it from the bundle’s storage. This opens up the possibility of adding features like a confirmation step before downloading the bundle and querying bundles by app IDs or branch names.
What’s Next?
The first iteration of the tool is complete and React Native developers use the tool to tophat each other’s pull request by simply scanning a QR code or entering a bundle ID. There are improvements that we want to make in the future:
- Building and uploading the JavaScript bundle directly from the command line.
- Showing a list of available JavaScript bundles in the Tophat screen.
- Detecting native code changes.
- Designing a better UI in the Tophat screen.
Almost all of the React Native projects at Shopify are now using the tool and my team keeps working to improve the tophatting experience for our React Native developers.
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